“Wicked Problems are difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. The term ‘wicked’ is used to denote resistance to resolution, rather than evil.”
The increasingly homogenous landscape of tech is becoming a more difficult problem to solve each year as more people enter. We no longer recognize symptoms as they’ve become normalized. In this talk, we’ll discuss why the lack of diversity in tech is Wicked Problem and what we’re trying to do about it.
This talk from @ashedryden is already awesome. #Monitorama pic.twitter.com/oFcbWfDGFy
— Pete Cheslock (@petecheslock) May 5, 2014
Lack of diversity in tech is like playing tetris with only one piece #monitorama @ashedryden
— Mercedes Coyle (@benzobot) May 5, 2014
.@ashedryden's impossible Tetris animation is stressing me the fuuuuck ouuuut #monitorama pic.twitter.com/IfA9ynLdz6
— Dan Slimmon (@danslimmon) May 5, 2014
"Lack of diversity is like playing Tetris with only one type of piece", listening to @ashedryden talk @Monitorama
— Mike M (@xyntrix) May 5, 2014
http://t.co/wAdfW9cfQI @ashedryden on the wickedist (hardest) problem in tech
— Robert J. Berger (@rberger) May 5, 2014
Watching a brilliant talk about diversity in the tech industry by @ashedryden - she's spot-on.
— Tim Brown (@tpbrown) May 5, 2014
Diversity in tech as a hard problem in computer science. Thought-provoking talk by @ashedryden at #monitorama. pic.twitter.com/owCDxq9CrO
— Bridget Kromhout (@bridgetkromhout) May 5, 2014
I love @ashedryden talk about diversity at #monitorama
— Roberto Lupi (@robertolupi) May 5, 2014
So, so, so happy that #monitorama has @ashedryden talking about diversity in tech. Definitely a "wicked problem."
— Serene Careaga (@grrlcoder) May 5, 2014
56% of women leave tech within 10 years - @ashedryden #monitorama :(
— ann (@randombug) May 5, 2014
I love that @ashedryden is here at #Monitorama to talk about diversity in tech. It's critical that we all think hard about this stuff.
— Dan Slimmon (@danslimmon) May 5, 2014
My inner sociologist is so happy to see a culturally informed presentation at a tech conference. Thanks, @ashedryden! #monitorama
— Noelle Daley (@elnoelle) May 5, 2014
Top-notch analogy from @ashedryden: picking apart privilege is like dependency hell #monitorama
— Dan Slimmon (@danslimmon) May 5, 2014
Diversity is a problem in tech, but US has much experience with it. I wonder how less diverse countries will do. #monitorama @ashedryden
— Roberto Lupi (@robertolupi) May 5, 2014
http://t.co/e86qpCGCML One of my favorite movie quotes #Monitorama @ashedryden
— Robert J. Berger (@rberger) May 5, 2014
Excellent talk by @ashedryden , really sad to hear but happy more people are being exposed to the problem. #monitorama
— Michael Rose (@Xorlev) May 5, 2014
.@ashedryden: #1 doctor recommended source of facepalms.
— Noah Kantrowitz (@kantrn) May 5, 2014
TLDR of @ashedryden's talk. Be excellent to one another because anything less is bogus. #BeTheChange
— Dave (@drawks) May 5, 2014
Solvers are also the creators of wicked problems @ashedryden #Monitorama
— Robert J. Berger (@rberger) May 5, 2014
Petrie problem mentioned by @ashedryden at #monitorama http://t.co/kHc3mafrQa
— Alain Vandendorpe (@alainv) May 5, 2014
Couldn't agree more: "we have to change the people to change the system" @ashedryden #monitorama
— Ozge Yeloglu (@OzgeYeloglu) May 5, 2014
Really well thought out presentation on diversity in tech by @ashedryden #monitorama - people solutions to people problems?
— Vincent Janelle (@randomfrequency) May 5, 2014
Great talk by @ashedryden at #monitorama about the tech industry's glaring lack of diversity and how to fix it (hint: it's tough)
— Chris Simpson (@chris_e_simpson) May 5, 2014
.@ashedryden talking about hard problems, backing them up with data, thinking about solutions #monitorama
— Mercedes Coyle (@benzobot) May 5, 2014
"The system is made up of people" @ashedryden #monitorama
— Tommy Parnell (@TerribleDev) May 5, 2014
@ashedryden thanks for an inspiring, constructive and frank talk at #monitorama
— John-John Tedro (@udoprog) May 5, 2014
<3 for @ashedryden's talk at #monitorama
— @jordansissel (@jordansissel) May 5, 2014
Useful advice from @ashedryden on how to avoid being a white knight.
— Vincent Janelle (@randomfrequency) May 5, 2014
Really awesome talk by @ashedryden on the wicked and hard problem of diversity in tech #monitorama
— (╯°□°)╯︵ sdoɹəəq (@beerops) May 5, 2014
Great talk about @ashedryden at #monitorama about diversity in tech...
— Tommy Parnell (@TerribleDev) May 5, 2014
@ashedryden awesome presentation, I wish all my coworkers could of seen it
— ann (@randombug) May 5, 2014
Low-hanging fruit: if you're in a position of power, speak up to your friends if they say something shitty (@ashedryden #monitorama)
— (╯°□°)╯︵ sdoɹəəq (@beerops) May 5, 2014
“Want to help reduce diversity issues in tech? Talk to your friends.” - @ashedryden #monitorama
— Vincent Janelle (@randomfrequency) May 5, 2014
Awesome talk by @ashedryden “Our Most Wicked Problem“ at #monitorama
— gerirgaudi (@gerirgaudi) May 5, 2014
Just happened in #monitorama: "@ashedryden, diversity" (33 tweets and 1 instagrams): http://t.co/xblRjG7rcj
— Seen Feed (@SeenFeed) May 5, 2014
Awesome talk on diversity by @ashedryden at #monitorama. Sadly livestream muted during questions :(
— Mark Harrison (@mivok) May 5, 2014
wow, @ashedryden got more questions than anyone on stage so far! great to see men wanting to take action on diversity! #monitorama
— Ozge Yeloglu (@OzgeYeloglu) May 5, 2014
@ashedryden just gave a great talk on equality in tech. Great conversation for any conference. #monitorama
— Andrew Rodgers (@acedrew) May 5, 2014
Loved the talk by @ashedryden at #monitorama, compelling, depressing, and inspiring. Really glad to see here speak here
— Sam Eaton (@TheSamoth) May 5, 2014
.@ashedryden is a fantastic storyteller and has great descriptions/analogies for diversity issues in tech #monitorama
— Mercedes Coyle (@benzobot) May 5, 2014
@ashedryden you were great! Thanks for sharing.
— Mr. Spaz (@spazm) May 5, 2014
One of the best references I got from @ashedryden's #monitorama talk. http://t.co/RTmluBlRNk
— John Karabaic (@karabaic) May 5, 2014
@ashedryden thanks for an amazing talk at #monitorama! I wanted to let you keep answering questions :)
— Dawn Foster (@geekygirldawn) May 5, 2014
culture change is tough. #monitorama
— nate . (@rockpapergoat) May 5, 2014
What can I do to improve injustice and inequality, what can I offer?
— Mr. Spaz (@spazm) May 5, 2014
Brilliant question, how to speak up without speaking for. Speak for yourself instead, since you’re uncomfortable. Great empathy #monitorama
— Michael Rose (@Xorlev) May 5, 2014
#monitorama: the problem isn't just getting women into tech... it's getting them to _stay_.… http://t.co/SzvO569Vdz
— Mary Thengvall (@mary_grace) May 5, 2014
@ashedryden your talk was so excellent thank you
— Warwick Poole (@warwickp) May 5, 2014