Double Union feminist maker + hacker space and diversity advocate Ashe Dryden bring you an evening of talks on Wednesday, October 30th at New Relic in SOMA. Leaders in open source tech and culture will speak about their projects, ideas, and what they’re working on to improve diversity and inclusiveness in the tech community. This event will highlight the work that different groups are doing to address issues of pipeline, attraction, and attrition, with a special focus on practical actions that executives and leaders can take to improve their communities and business.
Ashe Dryden Calls Harassment in Tech, "An Epidemic" - story by Mission Local
Signal Gathering: an evening of talks with Ashe Dryden and Friends - by Marlena
Packed house as @ashedryden takes the stage.
— Marlena Compton (@marlenac) October 31, 2013
This room is filled with AMAZING. @ashedryden opens up @DoubleUnionSF night over @newrelic. Surrounded by AWESOME. pic.twitter.com/ddaLgm5Zwo
— Alexis Finch (@agentFin) October 31, 2013
Diversity beyond the binary, identity as performance, the invisibility of difference. "INTERSECTIONALITY" [@ashedryden throwin down]
— Alexis Finch (@agentFin) October 31, 2013
listening to @ashedryden at the @DoubleUnionSF meetup. this is exciting :)
— janey! (@janeylicious) October 31, 2013
Really great to hear @ashedryden talk about expanding what we think of when we think about diversity.
— Marlena Compton (@marlenac) October 31, 2013
"We talk about the pipeline, but it leads to an industrial treatment plant" @ashedryden on attrition of underrepresented groups in tech.
— Ni Mu (@nickelmu) October 31, 2013
56% of women leave tech within 10 years (twice rate of men); harassment is an EPIDEMIC - @ashedryden; @femfreq wish you were here!!
— Emily Best (@emilybest) October 31, 2013
Ten minutes into @ashedryden’s talk at Double Union meetup and I already wish everyone I knew could be hearing this.
— (┛❍ᴥ❍)┛彡 ʃǝɹqɯıʞ ɯɐs (@skimbrel) October 31, 2013
Most diverse tech meetup I've ever been at, and it feels like a family reunion. (That's @ashedryden :) http://t.co/j8uiLrdLMa @doubleunionsf
— Sarah Mei (@sarahmei) October 31, 2013
Sitting here taking in the awesomeness that is @ashedryden. Wow.
— Dr. Kortney Ziegler (@fakerapper) October 31, 2013
At #doubleunion meet up, listening to @ashedryden talk about privilege in networking in tech. Empathy is key. Go outside your comfort zone.
— Becka (@beckastar) October 31, 2013
Fuck. @ashedryden just shared tale of Latina who attends tech conferences and is continually treated like a caterer.
— Danilo (@_danilo) October 31, 2013
"Follow someone on Twitter that you normally wouldn't." @ashedryden on ways to learn from and amplify marginalized voices.
— Ni Mu (@nickelmu) October 31, 2013
great talk from @ashedryden about... well, everything @ New Relic HQ http://t.co/BejubGLM69
— ĦȺⱣⱣɎ ĦȺŁɆɎWɆɆN (@haley) October 31, 2013
Create a safe place to report harassment. Support victims. @femfreq @PennyRed this @DoubleUnionSF talk by @ashedryden is IT. #rocktheboat
— Emily Best (@emilybest) October 31, 2013
Watching @ashedryden give a fucking awesome talk at Double Union http://t.co/KZc7Ea7tLL
— Jake Boxer (@jakeboxer) October 31, 2013
Everyone will say something insensitive. @ashedryden recommends taking the response at face value, apologizing, learning from the response.
— Danilo (@_danilo) October 31, 2013
"'Pay people equally' doesn't sound revolutionary, but it is." -@ashedryden
— Chevalier sans Tête (@eassumption) October 31, 2013
"Loudly, visibly support this work." -@ashedryden (shades of ani's 'it's nice that you listen, would be nicer if you joined in')
— Chevalier sans Tête (@eassumption) October 31, 2013
You know you're in the right event when two speakers ( @ashedryden and @fakerapper ) so far have used 'cis' in a sentence w/o explaining. <3
— Chevalier sans Tête (@eassumption) October 31, 2013
Look outside CS for gender diversity. Library/info. sci grads are great w data, but not told that they are. - @ashedryden #doubleunion
— mollyclare (@mollyclare) October 31, 2013
@ashedryden says sometimes what people think is needed for help is not what people want so it is good to ask! #doubleunion
— Liz Henry (@lizhenry) October 31, 2013
Really energized by tonight's talks by @shanley and @ashedryden. They may save our industry.
— Ben Weiiirdmuller (@benwerd) October 31, 2013
Really great talks tonight by @ashedryden, @alaina, @fakerapper, and others! So glad I got to be there!
— Eryn Wells (@erynofwales) October 31, 2013
The amazing @ashedryden and @fakerapper hugging it out at the double union #feminism #diversity in tech talks pic.twitter.com/E9LsaTnQvF
— Christopher Hendrix (@materialdesignr) October 31, 2013
The sad state of tech in 2013: @ashedryden calling for equal pay, and @cindygallop calling for diversity - our industry is that of dinosaurs
— Cory-Ann Joseph (@coryannj) October 31, 2013
Last night’s @DoubleUnionSF event was fantastic. Superb talks by @ashedryden @MissyTitus @alaina @fakerapper @vaurora @ameliagreenhall and…
— Faruk Ateş (@KuraFire) October 31, 2013