
In August 2012, I saw Joe Nelson give a lightning talk on his 1up Project at Madison Ruby.

He talked about how he wanted to spend one year becoming a world-class developer, every two weeks choosing a different topic to focus his learning on. He encouraged the audience to dedicate time every week to bettering themselves and their skills.

Following Joe's lead, I'll be spending the next year learning (or expanding what I already know) on a variety of topics including:

  • ruby
  • rails
  • rspec
  • gem creation
  • tdd
  • bdd
  • mvc
  • json
  • haml
  • vim
  • sass/scss
  • html5
  • coffeescript
  • jquery
  • backbone.js
  • responsive design
  • analytics
  • rest/hypermedia apis
  • bash
  • linux server admin
  • advanced git + git submodules

My goal is to feel more comfortable contributing to a bunch of different kinds of open source projects, instead of just one. I'll be attending meetups and conferences, reading books, following tutorials, and talking with the people around me about these topics.

(I haven't posted any 1up posts yet, but you can find them here once I do!)

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